How do I keep a ham until I start it?

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How do I keep a ham until I start it?

Mensaje por Adam »

I want to buy a ham for a wedding but I don't want to risk having it come late and plan to buy it early. I'd like to know how I have to keep it til the wedding day.

keep it on the ham holder

Mensaje por Cindy »

The best way is to keep it on the ham holder in the kitchen with nothing else. Once you start slicing put a little fat on top of the cut part to keep it from drying out or losing flavor. There's some tips here on the website.

cover it with a cloth

Mensaje por Martha »

Besides the fat, I cover it with a cloth to keep the dust off.

Re: How do I keep a ham until I start it?

Mensaje por hamiberico »

Most hams should be stored so that they are kept out of the temperature zone in which bacteria grows quickly. The danger temperature zone is a range between 40°F and 140°F. Fresh ham and cured ham can be stored in a refrigerator for several days, depending on the type of ham. If it is not going to be used within the recommended time, it should be frozen to prevent it from perishing. Leftover ham should be wrapped tightly and refrigerated as soon as possible. Do not leave the ham at room temperature for more than two hours. If it is not going to be used within four days of cooking, it should be frozen.

more information you can visit ... torage.asp

Re: How do I keep a ham until I start it?

Mensaje por bowersyuyftkxr »

Baked ham, considered a staple of special meals at holidays such as Christmas or Easter, is a simple but tasty dish that even the most novice cook can master in short order. How to bake a ham will vary depending on whether it is fresh or preserved and whether or not it has been pre-cooked, but regardless of which type of ham you use, the method will be very straightforward. You can also vary the flavor of your ham by playing around with different glazes, a number of which are described in this article. Follow the instructions below to prepare a perfect baked ham that's sure to leave guests wanting more!

Re: How do I keep a ham until I start it?

Mensaje por chal4oye »

Once you start slicing put a little fat on top of the cut part to keep it from drying out or losing flavor. There's some tips here on the website.